Dive for Five?

Who else misses Hemsky?

Oilers are sitting in 29th place, Hemsky and Khabibulin are out with injuries, pp and pk suck, backup goalie can’t stop a beach ball, Souray is open to waiving his no-trade clause if asked and I have half a season worth of Oilers games to attend. I’m so excited.

Nashville is in town tonight. Yawn.

Crosby comes to town on Thursday. Awesome, at least the crowd can cheer for something. And no I won’t be cheering for him. I’m still an Oilers fan and will never cheer against them. But they’re making it hard to be one these days. Let’s hope their mini-camp from the past weekend helps their play. I’m tired of watching mediocre hockey. Play with some emotion, some passion and for god’s sake, STOP THE PUCK JDD!!!

Go Oilers!

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